Friday, June 19, 2015

Five for Friday: The First Week of Summer

Hello friends! I've been enjoying the first week of summer break and I'm loving that I've finally got the time to blog. I am taking a little mini vacation from work (well...mostly), but I wanted link up with Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching and share some non teaching moments from the summer! 

Summer means that I get to take more pictures with a real camera instead of a cell phone! 

I've been spending some time riding this cutie. 

His name is Lonestar, but we call him Snapper. He has the most personality!! He doesn't really think he's a horse because I raised him on a bottle, so he's more like a dog or a person. He licks me and nibbles on me and anything else he can find! 

And he loves tress. This picture makes me laugh because he looks like he's playing hide and seek. 

I can't help myself. If I show you pictures of him or talk about him, I have to show you his baby pictures. He was so stinkin adorable. That top picture was the day he was born! 

He was a true baby...with the bottle every 3 hours and heating it up on the stove at all hours of the night! His formula did come in 5 gallon buckets though... 

On to more total randomness.

The flowers have not died yet. #victory 

Our house is situated so that the front of the house is mostly shady all day. I was determined to grow something there this year. I went to Lowe's and put one of every full shade plant in my cart. It turned out to be a good plan. 

When I picked up the mail Tuesday this card from a parent was waiting for me! It brought tears to my eyes. I love it! 

More animal cuteness. I've been doing a lot of this myself since summer has finally arrived! I hope you enjoy the weekend. I'm off to the beach on Monday morning!! 


  1. Your horse is gorgeous!! And so is your cat! Congrats on your flowers still blooming beautifully! Sounds a fabulous week.

    1. Thank you! It has been a great start to the summer!

  2. I love that you live on a farm! I love the country and can only imagine how peaceful it is. I, too, am an animal lover, so I would LOVE to have all of those animals around me all the time. The card from your student's parent was so kind. I know you will keep that forever. I have a box full of mementos that I like to look at when I need extra motivation. I love your blog, as well...mostly because it is similar to mine! I LOVE polka dots and birds, too! :)


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