Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Student Grading Helpers {Tried it Tuesday}

This week I had one of those wish-I'd thought-of-this-earlier moments. With 13 days left I guess it's better late than never! 

I have one class in particular that is very talkative. There are also a lot of quick workers in this group, so that makes for a bad combo sometimes. 
Yesterday I wanted to do a cut and paste activity and give immediate feedback since we are reviewing for our SOL test. I used a highlighter to check the first finisher's paper and then gave them a highlighter and let that person check the next paper and so on. 

Everyone was busy, either working or checking, and only people who were quiet could check another paper. It was a win, win! 

That's what I tried this week. What have you tried? Head on over to link up with Holly.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Virginia Bloggers Appreciate Y-O-U!! Blog Hop

Welcome to Virginia!

Virginia Bloggers Appreciate Y-O-U!!

Thanks to Andrea from Reading Toward the Stars for the cute graphic! 

A lovely group of Virginia bloggers would like to show our appreciation of you by extending a bit of southern hospitality. You can follow along the blog hop to visit 15 Virginia teacher blogs for terrific teaching tips and fun freebies to help get through the last couple of weeks before summer break. 

I don't know about you, but this time of year I could always use a little extra motivation! I always try to post an inspiring quote on my door, so I thought make a set of inspirational posters for everyone! 

Click on the image below to download 7 printable posters.

I hope the posters bring you a smile in these last few weeks of school! 

Thanks for stopping by. The next stop on the hop is the fabulous Carla from Comprehension Connection. 

Happy Hopping!! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

May Monday Made It

First off, let me just say that I made it a whole week without a computer!! That was an accomplishment and turned out to be a nice break. Break time is over, the computer is fixed, and I'm back in the blogging world to link up with 4th Grade Frolics!!

Remember that fabulous trip to DC I took a few weeks ago? And I took a trip to the Container Store *angels sing* well I found this little tote/box thingy and it was just what I'd been looking for!!

If my kiddos don't do their homework they take it outside on a clipboard and finish it during recess. I needed a way to keep all those papers, pencils, and clipboards together and this fit the bill. I also use it for library books on Fridays! 

Gotta love a little vinyl from the Silhouette!! 

At home I've been working on painting and decorating the island from last month's MMI

I've been hoarding some of these treasure for years just waiting for the right place and I've finally found it!! Yay!! 

Thanks, Dad!! 

What have you been making this month? 

Don't forget about the big TPT sale happening May 6 & 7. Click the button below to shop my store!!

Thanks to Jen Jones for the adorable graphic!