Sunday, May 18, 2014

Virginia Bloggers Appreciate Y-O-U!! Blog Hop

Welcome to Virginia!

Virginia Bloggers Appreciate Y-O-U!!

Thanks to Andrea from Reading Toward the Stars for the cute graphic! 

A lovely group of Virginia bloggers would like to show our appreciation of you by extending a bit of southern hospitality. You can follow along the blog hop to visit 15 Virginia teacher blogs for terrific teaching tips and fun freebies to help get through the last couple of weeks before summer break. 

I don't know about you, but this time of year I could always use a little extra motivation! I always try to post an inspiring quote on my door, so I thought make a set of inspirational posters for everyone! 

Click on the image below to download 7 printable posters.

I hope the posters bring you a smile in these last few weeks of school! 

Thanks for stopping by. The next stop on the hop is the fabulous Carla from Comprehension Connection. 

Happy Hopping!! 


  1. What a great freebie idea! Thanks for joining on the hop!

    Shifting Teacher K-2

  2. Love these posters! I am excited to print and display them in my class next year!

    Mrs O Knows

  3. Love these posters! They are going up in my classroom tomorrow! :)

  4. Love the posters. Thanks so much!

  5. Love these and how motivating they are! Thanks for the freebie!

    Reading Toward the Stars
