Monday, July 8, 2013

Voice Level Chart, Teacher Planner, and Bandana Dress {Monday Made It}

Happy Monday! Isn't it great that Mondays are happy in the summer?! I'm just wishing the Mondays would come a little slower around here. My kiddos come back on August 8th - exactly one month from today! 

I've really been working hard to my to do list, so I'm linking up with Fourth Grade Frolics to share my goodies! 

I'll start with a cute idea I've seen on several blogs and floating around Pinterest. I made this brightly colored voice level chart to hang in the front of my room. 

I really like the way it turned out. Now I just need to make some glittery clothes pins to use with it! The list just keeps getting longer! P.S. I made these with my Silhouette Cameo, so if you've got one and would like to have the cut file just shoot me an email. 

My Teacher Planner is probably my favorite Made It this week. I had it bound on Tuesday last week and it has been so hard for me to not share pictures! 

Please look over the heart. I just didn't want to advertise my school name. 

I do all my planning online, so I really just wanted a couple sheets for making notes in between each month's calendar pages. I also added in a section for my standards and a parent contact log. I'm loving it! 

I also "made" my first ever linky party! Click on the button to go check out all the great tips on departmentalized/team teaching! 

For my home made it I created this adorable little dress/tunic for only $3!!! It is made from two bandanas and a 2 1/2 yd piece of ribbon! You can read the whole tutorial here

What have you been creating? Head on over to link up and share your projects! 


  1. Funny! I started out my Monday Made It about how Mondays are happy in the summer too! Your planner looks awesome! Did you make the pages and then take it to get it bound somewhere? I do my planning on the computer too but still need a book for some little things.

    I have to check out your linky party. We don't departmentalize but we do group for reading. That counts, right? There are three teachers on my team.
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. I love your planner! I also do my plans on the computer, but I need a calendar/notes planning page. I was going to make the same kind of thing, but keep it in a notebook I like your bound version so much better. I'd probably use it more if it were easy to grab and open back to a single page. So, thanks for the tip :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. The little dress is super cute and looks so comfy and cool! Great idea.
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. Your planner is soo cute... and the dress too!

    The Creative Apple

  5. Do you use an app for planning online? Or do you just do it on your computer?

    I was thinking of planning on my computer as well but wasn't really sure what would work best for me.


  6. cute planner. I love the dress and it looks easy to make. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I can't believe how early you head back to school! Such cute MMI ideas! I'll have to go check out your linky party!

    Lizzy from *The Teacher Chick*

  8. Great planner! I've been working on mine too...although I'm still holding out hope to win a gift certificate to Ha! That dress is too cute!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  9. Love the planner!
    Can't wait to see your glittery clothes pins!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  10. Love these ideas. Cute planner! I am your newest follower :)

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  11. I love your planner! :) do you plan to share your template or no?! I'm considering making my own as well but can't decide if I'm going to or not... Haha

    Adventures in Room 204

  12. I love your planner! I also do all of my planning online.

  13. Both the planner and the dress is too cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. B's Nook

  14. I love the teacher planner! We have to keep track of our contact with parents this year for the first I like the contact log that you added in the planner!

  15. I too love your planner. I tried planning online but didn't find a site that I loved (yet) so often just type them up in a template I made. I love the idea of binding one - my binder is just so bulky!!

  16. I really need to make one of those voice level charts. Thanks for the suggestion! I just started following you! :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  17. Your planner turned out great! Looks fantastic! I love that tunic! The bright colors look really nice!

    Eclectic Educating

  18. I am wanting that voice level chart. Great idea and so cute! I love your blog & the precious owl template! Following :)

    Mrs. Z & Company

  19. Your voice chart and planner look great! I love bright colors! Thanks for sharing...

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers
