Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Status of the Class {Tried it Tuesday}

I'm glad to be linking up with Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for another great round of Tried it Tuesday. 

With all the talk about workshops last week I started thinking about things I did in my reading workshop that I want to continue doing again next year. One of the first things that came to my mind is Status of the Class. 

Status of the Class is just a quick, simply way to keep tabs on what everyone in your class is reading. I call out a student's name and he or she tells me the name of the book they are reading and what page number they are on. 

Why do I love Status of the Class? I know what everyone is reading and how quickly they are moving through a particular book. I encourage my students to stick with the same book at home and at school, so if they haven't progressed through enough pages from one day to the next I know there isn't any reading going on at home. 

I can't meet with everyone every day to discuss the books they've selected to read, so this also gives me some indication of who is reading a just right book and who needs to pick again. If I find that a student is really moving slowly through a text I'll jot a note to have a conference with him or her the next day and discuss whether the book is a good fit for them. I'm always surprised at how honest kids are in telling me they dont like a book, yet they were continuing to read it! 

My kids are always excited to tell me what page number they are on. In the beginning of the year Status of the Class is a huge motivator to get kids excited and talking about reading! I've had kids stop me out in the hallway before to tell me they were on page 65! 

The tough part for me is staying on track with this! Even thought it is only a few minutes each day it is so easy to get caught up in something else and forget it! We've had crazy weeks (and even months) where it seems like every class period is shortened for some reason and Status of the Class gets pushed to the side. 

One of my goals this year is to make Status of the Class an even more consistent part of our daily routine. 

Have you tried Status of the Class? 


  1. I cannot LIVE without doing status. I agree with you--it is like a mini conference every day. I have posted a times on my blog about how I do status--I do it a little differently than you do. It is SUCH a valuable use of those 5-6 minutes! :)

  2. Great way to keep kids on track and accountable. It's funny how just a couple of minutes can seem like such precious time. Every second counts!

    Eclectic Educating

  3. Great idea! I'm totally going to use it this year! Thank you tons!

    Crofts' Classroom

  4. I LOVE status of the class! It holds students accountable for their reading and it shows I care about their reading! Win-win! I call my students alphabetically and once they get the hang of it, it's pretty quick!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  5. I love this idea!!! Do you have a printable of it? I would love to implement in my classroom next year! thanks for sharing :)

    Style Closet to Classroom

    1. Emily, you can go to this link for the printable. It is from Beth Newingham on the Scholastic site. http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/top-teaching/2013/05/assessment-during-individualized-daily-reading-idr-status-class

  6. I have not tried Status of the Class. It is one of those ideas I remember reading about and wanting to incorporate and then I forgot about it. Thank you so much for reminding me to put this on my to do list!! Just pinned it so I hopefully won't forget again.

  7. This is a fantastic idea! I am going to have to use it this year Thank you so much for sharing your idea.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  8. You are so right. Status of the Class was a huge motivator for my students. And it gives you a TON of data about their reading habits!


  9. I love doing Status of the Class but struggle with keeping on top of it. Thanks for sharing your ideas.:)

    iTeach 1:1

  10. Great idea! But, I too am worried that I wouldn't stick to it. How do you keep yourself on top of it?

    The Creative Apple

  11. Hello! I'm a huge fan of your blog! I taught fifth grade the past two years, but will be moving to fourth grade reading next year! I'm so excited about this move! I've just started a new teaching blog (so new there isn't much there yet) however I'd love for you to join me!


  12. I have never heard of this and was going to ask the same question as Emily! I went to the site and couldn't find how to download the printable. I love this idea but am also worried about staying on top of it. I am looking forward to trying it! Thanks for sharing, Courtney!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  13. I do something similar to this, but it goes home each night with the student for their parents to initial. Each day I call them up quickly and sign on top of their parents initials. When they get to the end of the chart they get a reward. I keep all charts in their folder so they can look back over what they have read all year. I also have on mine: minutes read, pages read ___ to ___, and if they completed an A.R. test. Thanks for sharing...I might have to try this out this year.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
