Friday, June 7, 2013

Student Number Visual, Confidence Pills, and Summer Stuff{Five for Friday}

Today will be my last school week Five for Friday post because today was our last day!!! Freedom!!! I'm linking up with the wonderful Doodle Bugs Teaching for some Friday fun.
1. I've been spending a lot of time undoing all of last summer's hard work on my classroom. Here is a picture of one of my favorite things in the room. I typed each of my kiddo's names in bubble letters and on the first day of school I had them color their names to represent themselves. Then I stuck their name art up beside of their corresponding number (I just used a set of old calendar numbers). It made the room more colorful and personalized and its great to have a quick reminder of student numbers on the wall. 
I hate the blurry pic, but I wanted to make sure you got the full effect! 

2. Have a student with a case of "This is too hard. I can't do this." I've got a cure for that - Confidence Pills! 

3. I've decided that my first summer {professional} read will be Teach Like a Pirate. Just saying the title gets me all excited! Anyone else reading this one? 

4. I have discovered the joy of Just Dance on youtube. We've had some dancing sessions every day this week and the kiddos are loving it. As soon as they get to school they ask when we can dance. I will definitely be pulling out those videos for inside recess next year. 

5.  My husband shows our horses and we had our first horse show last weekend. He did great and will be riding in our big county fair show tomorrow night. Horse shows are one of my favorite parts about summer because it gives us so much time to hang out with family and friends! 


  1. I'm also reading Teach Like a Pirate and am hoping to join a book study via Twitter.

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

    1. I'm looking forward to reading the book! I checked out your summer reading list on your blog and noticed you were reading the Essential 55. It is a great book! Have some paper handy for that one because I took lots of notes!

  2. Did you know there is a book study group for Teach Like a Pirate? It's through Third Grade Tidbits...I was thinking of joining that one as well...there are just so many!!!! How to choose??

    I love those confidence pills! ;O)

    Collaboration Cuties

  3. I have a big name list too (although I didnt think to have them color their own!) and it really helps with things like lining up - no fighting or budging!
    This is such a cute blog!
    Whimsy Workshop 

  4. Love the confidence pills! I use scented chap stick for confidence boosters (a spot on the back of their hands) but I bet the candy would be more popular! :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  5. Teach Like a Pirate is everywhere. I need to check it out! I like the confidence pills. I like the name list for lining up!

  6. Hello! Thank you for coming over to my blog! I am now following you also through Bloglovin'!

    Heather Salsman
    Teaching Through Turbulence

  7. I love how your personalized your student's list for class numbers! I keep hearing about "Teach Like a Pirate"! I need to add that to my must read for the summer. Thanks:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper
