Monday, June 10, 2013 and the BEST Pinterest Recipe

Wow, what a weekend! We had our big horse show on Saturday night and didn't get home until 5:00 AM Sunday morning! My husband's class went in the ring at 3:15 AM, but it was all worth it because he won. Sorry for all the nonteaching babble....but I'm awfully darn proud of my boys! Here we are after his show and now on to the teaching stuff.....

After a lot fo sleep I'm starting to feel like I'm coming back to life, so its time for some blogging fun! I'm linking up with two great bloggers today to share what I consider to be two must haves.
First up is Sabra's Must Have Monday linky.

I couldn't make it in my classroom without the site. I've used the site for two years now and I'll never go back to a paper grade book again. 

Here is a screenshot of my planbook earlier this year. You can click on any of the pictures to see a bigger view. 

The classes can be color coded and the times for classes can be easily modified at any time during the year. I like that there is no limit on how many classes I can add, so this year I split up my ELA block on my plans and had a section for writing, vocab, and mini-lessons. 

All my state standards (and a lot of others) are already loaded into the program, so I just go into each plan and add standards that way. There is also a separate section for notes and homework on each tab. I really like the notes feature because I use it to add in little reminders for myself, things I want to say during the lesson, and even links I plan on using. 

I consider to be one of the best finds on my teaching career. I keep it pulled up on my computer during the day so I have easy access to my plans without any clutter. I can quickly save a pdf and email plans to my principal. 

Best of all I can type instead of write and the older I get the worse my handwriting is getting - I can type so much faster than I write. I've also found that because the plans are online I'm more likely to make myself notes of what did/didn't work. 

Next up is my must have recipe from Pinterest. I've tried a lot of recipes from the site, but I'm declaring this one my all time favorite because it is so easy and yummy! 

This one is great for those busy nights! I like to put any leftover chicken I have from another dinner into one cup portions in the freeze and then pull it out for this recipe. I've also added in the rice and peppers and put it all in the freezer! 

I'm linking up with Christy from Teaching Tales from the Yellow Brick Road


  1. Those chicken wraps look so good! That is a recipe I will have to repin for sure!! Thank you for linking up!

    That website looks fab... and $12/year isn't bad either. Can you easily print off your plans from there as well? (My former teacher partner would love it if she could have a hard copy to hold as well.)

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  2. That planbook looks nice and easy-I think our district is making us move toward online lesson planning next year-not excited about that! Those chicken wraps look amazing! Just pinned them!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. I found you through the Oh My link up! I have wondered about the planbook site before. Thanks for sharing your experience about it. I will also have to try this recipe sometime! I am a new follower. :-)


  4. I tried the planbook website before a few years ago and had trouble moving things around if I needed to reschedule something. Maybe they have fixed that now. (Like I said, it was a few years ago that I last tried it.) I like the idea of being able to access my plans from any computer and will save me from having to lug around my planning binder. Thanks for the reminder! Oh...and those chicken wraps do look tasty!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  5. I have never heard of planbook before but I am very excited to check it out now!!! Thanks for linking up and congrats to your boys! So exciting!

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  6. I am so glad that Melissa told me about your blog. I have started using planbook and love it. I have tried other online planning but was not happy with them because they were just not user friendly but this one is wonderful and so easy to use.

  7. Love planbook. It is so user friendly and easy to use.
