Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What's On My School Supply Wish List {New Year New Gear}

As soon as I saw the first post for Pinkadots' New Year New Gear linky I knew I was in!! School supplies are near and dear to my heart and I'm excited to share what I like using with my students! I'm also looking forward to seeing what everyone else is adding to their lists. 
Here are the supplies making the top of my list for the new school year: 

1. Plastic two-pocket, three-prong folders
I've had the most luck with students keeping papers in these rather than in binders. I also plan on using these for a homework/communication folder next year instead of a binder. 

2. Mechanical pencil
I dislike pencil sharpening and try to avoid it if at all possible. We had a lot of luck with students keeping up with their pencils and having extra lead until after Christmas. Any tricks you use for making sure students have those supplies on hand all year long?

3. Glue sticks

I think children eat glue sticks like candy! Where does it all go?!?! I like to do a lot of cutting and pasting so we go through a lot of these babies. 

4. Notebook 

I had already decided I'd have students bring in a composition notebook next year, but then this great linky started and I read this post from Smiles and Sunshine so I'm thinking I'll use a three subject notebook and do Reading Notebook, Mentor Sentences (Grammar), and Journal all in one. Anyone else tried this? It will be my first experience using a multi-subject notebook with 4th graders. 

There you have it - my must haves for student's to bring in next year. I have a feeling that my list will change and grow as this linky party grows. I've already gotten so many smart ideas! I'm thinking I'll be more excited than ever for Wal Mart to get out the school supplies this year!! 


  1. Isn't school supply shopping the BEST???? Thanks for sharing :)
    The Techie Teacher

  2. Thanks for linking up! I love the idea of a three subject I'm torn! I don't want the notebooks falling apart, but love the idea of them being divided already!
    Pinkadots Elementary

  3. I think multi-subject notebooks are great! I tried them one year and the students ripped too much paper out of them that they didn't last very long. Also, the covers didn't stay on for my students who aren't as kind to their supplies. I debate every year if I should try again, but I always decide to stay with composition books. Keep us updated on how they work next year. You may convince me to switch back.

    Foreman Teaches
