Friday, May 17, 2013

Budding Blogger Linky

Good Friday morning! We are due to leave for a camping/horse riding trip in just a few hours, but I got up a little early and decided to use the extra time on my favorite new hobby - blogging! I'm linking up with I {heart} Recess for the Budding Blogger linky. The linky showcases bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, so if that's you come link up! 

Why did you start blogging? 

I've been a long-time teaching blog stalker, so I finally decided it was time to link up and share in all the fun and learning! In the very short time I've been blogging it has really renewed my passion for teaching, creating new ideas, and having fun with my students! 

What is your favorite subject to teach and why? 

Reading is without a doubt my favorite subject to teach because I love to read! I am always sad to hear kids say they don't like to read, so I try to make reading as fun as possible and help them learn to enjoy it again. Reading can take to you to so many places and I try to show my kids that everyday! 

Describe your teaching style. 

I always strive to have my lessons be hands-on and fun and I try to push my kiddos and help them develop those critical thinking skills. 

Give three interesting facts about you. 

1. I live on a circus farm. We have horses, donkeys, mules, cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens! Yee haw! 
2. I like to sew. 
3. I am really into technology and gadgets.  

Do you have a TPT store? 
Not yet, but I've started creating some items so I can open a store this summer. 


  1. Thanks for linking up! Have a great time on your camping trip!


  2. Nice to meet you Courtney! It must be awfully fun to live on a farm. Good luck creating your store!
    The Puzzle Den

  3. Haha cute- your circus sounds fun! Have you got the book the Wonky Donkey? If not get it- a must have for every teacher but ESPECIALLY if you actually own a donkey!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  4. I hope your camping trip was fun :) If you are Northern Virginia, you certainly had nice weather today :)

    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  5. Sounds like you have you hands full with your circus!! I have chickens too....I love them!! :)

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  6. I'm newest follower! I was reading your About Me & I am the same way with the Walmart Back-to-School sales. I'm convinced on the night of 4th of July, in the middle of the night, a Back-to-School fairy comes to Walmart & puts out the supplies, so us school supply obsessed teachers can hit the aisles first thing July 5th morning. I saw your post on EverNote, it looks very interesting, I make a list for everything. I'm going to have to put it on my list of things to check out. Haha! Enjoy your mini-vaca!


  7. Hope you had fun on your trip. We have cows, horses, donkeys, and blue heelers. 74 acres. :)

    What has been your best source to go to while learning about making products and TpT?


  8. Hi Courtney,

    I popped over to visit from the Budding Blog linky and am your newest follower! I lived in Canada all of last year and brought home a suitcase full of school stuff from Walmart - I miss it now that I'm back in Australia!

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!
