Saturday, August 1, 2015

New and Improved Teacher Binder Calendar and a Freebie

Hi blogging friends! I took a break from the blogging world in July to really soak up all the summer I could. I'm so glad to be back all recharged and ready to go. I've got a great freebie to help you start out August the right way! 

First things first, when I start the school year I've got to be organized! Last year I took the leap and made one of the ever so popular teacher binders. You can click here to check out that post if you'd like to. 

I always like to do some reflecting at the end of the year on anything new I've tried. There were a lot of things I LOVED about my teacher binder, but there were some things that just weren't working for me; the main one being the calendar. 

I didn't need quite so much calendar space. I only use the boxes to write down important meetings, snow days, work days, things like that. So I had a lot of space I didn't need and no room for the notes/reminders I really wanted to see on my calendar. 

I spent some time this summer revamping my calendar and I love it! 

I love a planner. A. Lot. BUT I need something that will function for me. I pushed all the calendar onto one page and started the week out on Monday. Saturday and Sunday are in one box together and I plan to use that box for notes from the week, things I still need to cover, you know...the kinda things that I sometimes forget. The Monday start week will appeal to all my Erin Condren Life Planner girls out there! It took me a while to get used to that, but now I love it and it makes perfect sense for a school planner! 

There's a lot of room to jot notes at the top of the page and there are some lines at the bottom. 

This is the page I'm most excited about. I needed a big monthly overview page and I wanted to be able to see it and my calendar at the same time. It is so versatile and I'm really looking forward to being more organized and focused when I plan this year. 

If you would like to give this different calendar approach a try click the picture below to head over to my TPT store. There is a freebie in the preview! I also included another calendar option in the product!

Happy Organizing! 

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