Friday, April 10, 2015

Back from Break {Five for Friday}

We made it through the week after Spring Break. I don't know what is worse, the week before break or the week after! That week off has made my little friends very unsettled! Even with wiggly, talkative students the show had to go on, so here is a look at our week.

The crabs are back!! After an extended Christmas Vacation at my house our hermit crabs have returned to class. The kids were so excited! One little guy looked right in the cage and said, "Hermit crabs, I have missed you!" 

We've spent the week working on measurement. I only took this picture. Remembering to take pictures is hard. Blog fail.

Debbie Dunn, a professional storyteller, visited our school on Wednesday and it was such a treat. She told some great stories and got all the kids involved. All afternoon my kids kept saying, "I am the ghost with the one black eye!" 

You can click here to watch videos of some of her performances. 

Our story this week was called Amazing Animals and the kiddos loved it! I found this great resource in a bundle from Dawn Hilburn on TPT. 

We had so much fun with this activity. The kids each got up in front of the class and read their clues and we all guessed. 

It doesn't have legs. It has a shell. It has two eyes. 

This one was my favorite! He had a really original idea and I thought his clues were great. This little guy hasn't had the easiest time, but he loved this activity.

I had to take a selfie and show you guys my new Curious George shirt! We love to watch George on PBS when it's too yucky for outside recess. I've had the theme song stuck in my head all day. 

How was your week? Head on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching and link up! 

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