Friday, February 6, 2015

Greater Than Less Than and Compare and Contrast {Five for Friday}

It's Friday. We've made it through to the other side. I walked outside one night this week, looked up and said, out loud, "Well that explains so much." 

I'm linking up with Kacey from Doodle Bugs to celebrate the start of the weekend! 

It snowed on Monday. We knew it was coming, but we went to school on a regular schedule and stayed all day long!! I'm whining really...there was really not a lot of snow to speak of, but we've had so little and every other district around us had an early dismissal. In years past this would've been enough to close us, but times are changing!! We live in a very rural county and the back roads get bad in a hurry....

My little friends were having a hard time with greater than and less than this week. I cut out some signs using my Silhouette Cameo and we used them during class. First, we looked at some problems on the Smartboard and they held up the signs. Then, we did this worksheet and they were able to move the sign around on their desks. Last, we had a little fun..who couldn't use a little fun, right? 

We turned the signs into math gators, complete with a math sentence. 

It was an exciting math day. I love getting to do projects like these just as much as the kids do!

We've spent a lot of time on compare and contrast lately, so I decided to change it up a little this week. The kids worked in pairs to compare different scenes in our story this week. 
post its = instant fun.

The Sunday Superbowl Sale in a lot of TPT stores caused me to get clip art fever, like I needed any help! Since then I've been updating the covers of some of my TPT products. Here are two of my favorites! 

I got an iPad Mini this week!! I've been debating about getting one, but finally decided to go for it last week and it arrived on Wednesday!  I'm having so much fun playing with it. 

Question of the week: What apps do I need to download? 


  1. I LOVE the math gator idea! I will be doing this with my class soon. It's so easy and engaging! The best part is it looks nice to hang up on bulletin board.

    Crayons, Pencils, and Students - OH MY!

  2. So wish we could just see some some snow. I am so jealous that y'all are getting it, and we have seen none yet.

    Those gators are so fun! What a great bulletin board!

    Reading Toward the Stars
