Friday, January 30, 2015

100th Day and Asking Questions {Five for Friday}

We finally got a snow day today!! Woo hoo!! There isn't a lot of snow out there, but I'll take a day any way I can get it. I could really use the day today since I was out sick yesterday and I'm still not feeling 100%! Here's a look at my short school week. 

Monday was the 100th day of school. My favorite activity was the snack - of course!

The kiddos kept saying it didn't look like there were 100 things in their bags. Ahh...the teachable math moments..

Monday was a yucky, rainy day so I decided to break out the Chooka rain boots. My kiddos loved them! Then when we sat down at the carpet it was all over....they love to pet my shoes and they decided this pair was super soft! Please tell me I'm not the only person this happens to?! 

I was totally inspired by Smitten With First's post last week about question writing, so I used her idea and put my own little spin on it. You can read her post here.

As a class we brainstormed question words and made an anchor chart. Then everyone got a question mark and we filled it up with all the question words. The next day we turned the question marks into necklaces and played musical questions - stop when the music stops and ask a question. 

When we got finished with the game everyone wrote three questions in their journals. It was a great activity and a nice way to work in a little oral language and movement! 

Everything in my TPT is 20% off this weekend. Click on the picture to check it out. 

Will you be celebrating the big game this weekend? 

We are having some friends over and, even though I'm not a big sports fan, I always look forward to the Super Bowl. The commercials make it worth watching for me! And then there's the food! We are having a baked potato bar and some other goodies. 

I've recently fallen in love with a blog called Averie Cooks, so I'm definitely gonna make a sweet treat using one of her recipes. The only problem will be picking which one to make because they all look amazing! 

1 comment:

  1. I was out sick this week too! Lucky you got a snow day to recover an extra day! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
