Monday, August 18, 2014

No Sew Curtains, Class Brochure, and Work Display {Monday Made It}

This post has been a long time coming! I wanted to back up a show you three very last minute projects I put together the weekend before school started.

I'm linking up with Tara over at Fourth Grade Frolics for her fabulous Monday Made It linky.

The weekend before school started I decided I need to jazz up the curtains in my room. Not the best idea, let me just tell you! BUT I am really happy with the end result! 

The pennant banner on the left came from my old classroom and I felt like it didn't quite fit in on these smaller windows, so I needed a change. 

I love how this has almost a stained glass look at certain times in the day. It really boosted the color in my room. 

So how did I do it? 

I cut strips of fabric 2.5" wide and 21" long and just tied them onto a tension rod. My windows are about 50" and I have 39 strips of fabric on each one, just to give you a little idea. 

It was a quick and easy project that really made a big impact on the look of my room. 

I made brochures for parents to pick up at Open House. 

My next project was super easy and inspired by this pin

It's hard to see it in these pictures, but the yard sticks are spray painted purple to match my rock chair and the clothes pins are black. This is going to make displaying student work so easy! 

How do you display student work? 


  1. Love your curtains. I'm going to have to go to Michael's and see if I can find some cheap red, white, black ribbons for the back of my puppet stage. Great look!
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  2. Love the curtains....and I am horrible at sewing, so that would be perfect for me. Too bad I already bought some at Wal-Mart....dang!

    Mind Sparks

  3. Those curtains look great :-) And it looks like you packed a lot of information into your brochures!


  4. I am not sure if I ever mentioned that I love the look of your blog - it looks amazing. Love the curtains!! May have to steal that idea next week : )

  5. Love your curtains!!! I am inspired to try the same thing in my classroom! :) Thanks for sharing how you made them.
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  6. I have got to make these curtains! ADORABLE!!!! How did you attach the yardsticks to your wall? That project looks doable for me, too! Much better looking than what I have right now. Thanks for sharing your terrific ideas today.

