Thursday, July 3, 2014

Teacher Planner {Throwback Thursday}

Teacher Planners and Binders seem to be a hot topic right now! I just finished making my teacher planner/binder for this year, so before I share that on Monday I thought I'd show you the planner I made last year. 

Here is my post from last July: 

Since posting the Teacher Planner I created for my Monday Made It post I've had a few people ask if I'd be willing to share the templates I used. 

Before I go further with the post it would be helpful for you to know that I keep my lesson plans online, so my templates do not include lesson planning pages. I needed to create a planner that would be small enough for me to carry home, to meetings, and have handy in the classroom. The planner will be used for long-term planning, keeping up with important events, meeting notes, and parent communication. 

You can click on any of the images in this post to download ALL the templates I used in creating my planner. 

Here is a picture of the front of my planner.

In the front of the book I added a page for all those logins and passwords I can never remember! 

Here is a look at the inside calendar pages. 

In between each calendar page I added a notes page on the left and then a page with spaces for making notes for each of the 3 classes I teach. 

After the calendar and notes pages I added in a section with my pacing guide and standards. 

Next came the Parent Contact Log. I like to keep a list of all my parent contact information in a notebook with some space to document when I talk to a parent and what we discussed. This planner was the perfect place to add that in. 


I threw in some of the note pages from earlier to record my calls and conferences with parents.

The last page was the beautiful verse. 

You can click on any of the images in this post to download all the templates I used for creating my teacher planner. I even threw in a Birthday organizer, but ended up decide not to put that in my planner! 


I printed the pages front to back on my color printer. The process actually didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would have. I would recommend using a heavier weight paper than 20#. The lines show through to the other side of some of the pages, so I think a heavier weight paper would make it look a little more professional looking. 

I had mine bound at Office Depot. It was $5 for the plastic binding, a clear plastic cover, and a black plastic back. I think that is a great deal for a customized planner! 

Have you ever made your own teacher planner? Have any tips to add?! 


  1. My favorite part is the verse on the last page. I have purchased a few teacher planners and binder covers in the past week. I need to get them printed out when I get home and see what I'm working with! xo
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Thanks for the high quality and results-oriented content. Visit here to read about : customized planners
