Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What Worked and What Didn't... {End of the Year Reflections}

One of my favorite parts about the end of the year is getting the chance to look back and reflect on what activities and things I really liked and what didn't work as well as I'd hoped. It is a chance to get new ideas, adapt old ones, and start getting excited about next year!

I decided to join up with Teaching in Room 6 to share some things that worked and didn't work for me this year! 

What Worked....

Interactive Notebooks

Love, love, love these! I can't say enough good things about them. Since I taught 3 ELA classes I basically used these to replace my anchor charts and the kids referred to these more than they ever did anchor charts! And they love looking back through the books to remember everything we've 


My students and I love the Whole Brain Teaching Scoreboard. You can read more about how I use it in this post

What Didn't...

Vinyl Numbers on Desks

As you can see these were just too great a temptation to pick at. Besides looking back now, we just never really utilized them as a way to keep up with seating. Therefore, I don't think I'll use these again next year. 

Voice Level Chart

I love this concept, but I just couldn't remember to actually use the chart. About a month into school I overheard some students talking about how I never change it! LOL I took it down not long afterwards because they were certainly right! 

What worked for you this year? Anything you'll do differently next year? 


  1. I tried a voice chart a couple years ago too! I'm not sure why I can't just move a clip to show what voice level! LOL! Glad to know I'm not the only one!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. I haven't tried the voice chart, but I would probably leave it the same all the time. I like it quiet in my room.
    Artistry of Education

  3. This is was my second year trying the voice chart. I used it some, but only because this year's students were very good at reminding me! I love interactive notebooks. This was my first year using them, and I definitely plan on using them more next year!

    Fit to be Fourth

  4. I am a huge fan of interactive notebooks! I didn't even hardly make anchor charts this year, because we used our notebooks so much!

    Keep Calm and Hoot On

  5. I love the scoreboard! I started using it at the end of the year a few years ago, but then forgot about it over the summer. Thanks for the reminder! I hope to use it next year =)

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

  6. I'm not really good about keeping up with any charts or systems. I forget about them and get irritated when the kids come chasing after me wanting to know WHEN we are going to count tickets...etc. I'd rather just reward instantly...it makes it so much easier. I love that you are taking time to reflect! That's so very important!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
