Monday, June 23, 2014

Blast Off VBS Decorations {Monday Made It}

This is the 200th post on my little blog and I'm so excited that it happened on Monday Made It day because it is my all time favorite linky party!! 

Enough celebrating, time to get down to business with Miss Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics

This is my first time getting to link up for MMI this summer and I'm so excited because I get to share some snapshots from our VBS decorating. You'll have to forgive me for the poor picture quality. I was in such a rush trying to make sure I had all the supplies I needed yesterday and I forgot my camera. 

We always choose to make one big, focal piece for our decorations and this year we just knew it had to be a rocket. 

So how'd we do it? 

Tum-E Yummies, anyone? We were GIFTED these three drink displays and they made the perfect base for our rocket. We just assembled the displays, stacked them on top of each other, and used some duct tape to hold them in place. 

We added some silver wrapping paper to the front and red and yellow tissue paper around the bottom for the flames. For the top we used two pieces of red poster board taped together and cut out a cone. 

This was one of the easiest and least expensive decorating projects we've ever done. I love the way it turned out! 

Here is a shot of the stage area. We used gossamer from Oriental Trading to drape the back wall and then added some more stars from OT to finish it all off. 

Here is the view as soon as you come into the church. I just love all the twirly star and planet decorations we added.  

Remember those posters I had printed at Office Max? We used them downstairs to add a little color to the walls. We also used these really neat wall decals in the hallway and dining room downstairs. 

I thought someone might be interested in seeing what the packaging looked like. These came from Wal Mart and I think they'd be fantastic in a classroom!  I'm always getting classroom ideas when we decorate for VBS. 

What have you been creating? Link up with Tara so we can all hear about it! 


  1. HAPPY 200th POST, Court! YAAAAAAY! The rocket turned out FABULOUS! The kids are going to love the decorations at VBS!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Congrats on 200!! I love the rocket! I bet y'all will have a blast!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  3. Isn't it cool how teachers can turn anything into a useful something? I love the rocket idea- trying to think of a way to make this a STEM challenge.....hmmmm.......
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  4. Love the rocket. I need one for my library. Very cute.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  5. I go to my church across the street and I was put in charge of decorating the children's playground for our VBS. I was wondering if there are any pictures of the playground decorated in with a outer space theme?
