Friday, April 18, 2014

Cherry Blossom Festival, Egg Hunting, and Sundaes...Rwar {Five for Friday}

Happy Easter Weekend friends! I've been so excited to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching this week so I could share some pictures from my recent trip and very busy week! 

Confession: I didn't work last Friday. My mom and I took off on Thursday night and met up with my sister in Charlottesville. We went to DC on Friday to spend the weekend enjoying the Cherry Blossom Festival. 

We had a blast!! The trees were gorgeous and the weather was just perfect!! I finally got to go in the Container Store. It was instant love!! I could've looked forever. 

One of my favorite new things we tried in DC were food trucks. (You gotta remember that I live waaayy out in the country..hehe) 

Here I am ordering a milkshake from the cutest food truck at the Truckeroo Festival. Don't you just want to drive that thing everywhere? It just makes me happy!! 

While I was ordering my sister (and best blog reader) was secretly snapping pictures of me at the food truck so I could use them for my blog. She wins the best sister ever award!! 

Now, back from vacation and on to school. We kicked off the week with a little egg hunting courtesy of Collaboration Cuties.

We spent Tuesday and Wednesday working in stations to practice our context clues skills. I had managed to accumulate some fantastic resources that I was glad we were able to use.

We had our Spring Party on Thursday afternoon. We had ice cream sundaes on the playground and it was fantastic!! I think we might have asked for a few too many toppings, but we have plans to have another sundae afternoon as it gets closer to test time. 

And I had to throw in a little bonus - this t-shirt one of my students wore this week. 

I hope you have a blessed weekend!! 


  1. Looks like beautiful weather for a fun weekend! I teach 4th grade also, so I'm glad I found you on the Five for Friday linky. Love the simple context clues practice with the eggs. Can't wait to read more ideas on your blog!

    Ladybugs Lounge

  2. I want to go to a Container Store so bad! I'm super jealous. Good for you for taking Friday off to spend time with your family! I think more of us need to do just this!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
