Saturday, March 1, 2014

We're Famous!!

If you know a 4th or 5th grader in Virginia chances are you've heard of the Virginia Trekkers. They are a group of ITRTs from Henrico County who set out to create more resources for students in Virginia Studies classes. Their videos have been a fantastic way for my students in far Southwest Virginia to see the other regions of Virginia. 
Last year we had a 4th grader at our school win a visit from the Trekkers and now we are all famous on their website! The guys played a trivia game with our kids, talked with them about where they had been trekkin' in our region, and shot some footage for their video with our kids. It was like having celebrities in our building! 

We've been keeping a close check on their website and our video is finally up!!
You can click on the picture above to check it out.

Even if you aren't from Virginia you may want to give the Trekkers site a look. They have expanded and have videos from different locations all around the US. There are also a lot of great games and activities on the site


  1. I love the Trekkers! I teach in Franklin County in VA and their videos are amazing! I've seen their presentations at VSTE as well!

  2. That's pretty cool Courtney! That's a pretty fun gig the Trekkers have right??!!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. Courtney!! I work with David and Alfonso and it was so funny to see their faces pop up on my Bloglovin' newsfeed. They are incredible! So glad you all received a "special trekker" visit :)

    The Techie Teacher

    1. Julie, that is so neat! When you see them next please be sure to tell them how much we enjoyed the visit and the video!! Their work has been so helpful for us because so many of our kiddos have never seen the ocean or flat land for that matter!

  4. That's awesome! May I have your autographs???
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. How fun!! I loved using the trekkers when I was teaching 4th grade! I'll have to check it out.

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
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