Saturday, March 15, 2014

Read Across America Celebrations {Five for Friday}

Anyone else thinking this has been a super long week? We even had a snow day yesterday Thursday and it's still feeling like a long week! The week was so long that I started this on Thursday and didn't get it posted until Saturday!! 

Our school really goes all out for Reading Month so I wanted to share some pictures of the fantastic decorations our teachers have come up with this year. 

We always follow along with the official theme and this year's was, "Let Reading Take You Around the World." Each section of the building was assigned a continent and we used that to create decorations in our hallways to get our students excited about reading!


All the decorations are fantastic, but this is one of my favorites. Who could resist standing beside the penguins to see how you measure up? In fact, while I was taking this picture a 1st graders walked by and said, "Hey, look I'm taller than this one!" 

Our resource teachers had Europe. This hasn't been helping my Spring fever any!! 

Kindergarten was assigned North America. 

My 4th grade team got Australia. 

To decorate our hallway and doors we each took one of the 6 states, so here is a peek at my door. 

Those are only just a few pictures I got when I took a mini break during planning on day this week. Everyone has done such a fantastic job and our students love getting to see all information about all the different countries on display. 

I didn't get to take pictures from every grade level and not everyone is finished with their decorations, so I may post a few more pictures as more things go up. 

Looking for a giveaway? I'm helping Carrie from Anchored in 3rd Grade celebrate 1,000 Instragram followers!! She has some great prizes, so head on over and check it out! 

I hope you have a great weekend! 


  1. Love the decorations. Even though I'm so over the snow, I loved the Penguin display. Very cute.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  2. Oh my goodness! I am soooooo impressed with those decorations! How fun!!!!!


  3. Great pics Courtney! I love that your school goes all out!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  4. Ohhhh my gosh I am in love with those pictures! Those decorations were fantastic! I hope y'all leave them up for a very long time! Hah!

    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith

  5. The penguins...I love the penguins and the first grader that walked by the penguins! Your school sounds so fun. We did a hallway decorating contest once at my school around Christmas. That was two years ago. Maybe I will suggest we do it again after April testing. XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
