Friday, February 7, 2014

Peace, New Pens, TPT Finds and Desktop Organization {Five for Friday}

I made it through a full week of school and I'l still standing, well sitting in the recliner, but I'm not asleep yet!! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share some random fabulousness from my week!  

To celebrate making it through a whole week of school for the first time in 7 weeks I wore my Peace Frog shirt!! My sister got it for me for Christmas and it's so soft and comfy. I couldn't wait to wear it so I pushed the weather just a bit (it was only in the 30s today)!! 

Have you tried these pens? Oh my....I'm in love!! I'm officially declaring them the best pens ever! I got mine from Amazon

We used these task cards from Ms-Lies. We were reviewing reference sources and my kiddos did such a great job with them! We've had a talkative crew this week, but everyone was so focused during this activity. Here you see two students paired up working on the cards together. I made it a partner activity for one class by placing two cards in each location and letting the wander around the room. 

We also got in some nonfiction text structure and test prep with this activity pack from Classroom in the Middle. It is FREE and was fantastic for my 4th graders. I would highly recommend it. 

I did a little desktop revamp on my school computer. What do you think? I always love to change the background with the season, so I'm afraid I might miss that, but the second one looks so much neater! I used this tutorial and file from Moritz Fine Designs for my redo. 

What do you do for desktop organization? 


  1. Hello. I found you on the Five for Friday link-up. I like your computer desktop - I want to check out the tutorial at some point. Also, I'm always looking for ways to review text features. Happy Weekend!

  2. Yay for Friday after a full week!! We had testing all week, so it was still off. I'm hoping to get back in routine next week, but it sounds like more snow is on the way?! I'll have to use that Let it Snow pack!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  3. I really like your desktop redo! I keep so many programs/windows open at one time that I rarely see my desktop! Maybe I will redo mine and then I'll have a reason to look at it!
    Keep Calm and Hoot On

  4. Love that new desktop, but I would miss pictures of my kids. And I really like that Peace Frogs shirt! Where did your sister get it? Wonder how this week will fare, weather wise? I am not getting my hopes up for a big snow, so it will surprise me if we do. Stay warm!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  5. Whoa. I might have to check out those pens. I am obsessed with Paper Mate Flair Tips- but these look pretty snazzy too!
    Stuff Students Say and Other Classroom Treasures

  6. I'm reading the tutorial RIGHT NOW! I must do this!!! I'm coming to spend a week with you so you can get me 111% organized in my life! LOVE!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
