Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mystery Student Test Review {Spark Student Motivation}

I'm linking up with Joanne from Head Over Heels for Teaching to share an idea for motivating students during test review. 

Even though our state test isn't until May, I've started working in practice tests here and there. After a test I always like to review it with my classes, but we all know that can be a invitation for students to "check out." 

Monday morning I needed to review a test and a way to engage all my students. I remembered the posts I'd read about choosing a mystery student while walking in the hallways and thought that I might be able to use that same idea during test review. 

This cute clipart is from Dancing Crayons Designs.

I explained that I'd already picked out a mystery student to keep an eye on while we reviewed the test. If that student paid attention and participated during the review everyone would be rewarded with a piece of candy. It was a success! 

I had everyone's attention and participation went way up! The very next day I had several students ask if we could play that mystery game again. I think this will be a quick trick to pull out when I need everyone's attention! 

What's in your bag of tricks for getting everyone's participation when the topic is less than exciting?


  1. What a great idea to keep kids engaged during your lessons! Will use this idea for sure! I sometimes do the same with a group of kids during our math rotations, mostly to help with noise level! Whatever works right?
    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. How cool!!!! I never thought about doing that. This is always a problem, so I can use this strategy any ol' time I need to. THANK YOU!!!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. Good idea! I dread the "test review", but it will start full force before we know it...

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
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  4. Oh...I like this! I need to put this into action in my room as we are doing test prep too. They loathe it...and I have to agree with them. This will definitely turn some lightbulbs on! Thanks, Courtney!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. I use a mystery student during the day as an extra motivation. That student gets an extra Class Dojo point if they do a great job all day!

    Success in Second Grade
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