Friday, February 21, 2014

Late Valentines and Fun Finds {Five for Friday}

It's been a crazy week! We missed last Friday for snow, so we came back on Monday to a 2 hour delay AND Valentine's Day parties! We also had a Valentine's Day dance scheduled on Friday and it was rescheduled for today.  I'm joining Doodle Bugs Teaching for a recap...

We had a great little party and my sweet kiddos had all sorts of goodies for me!

With the dance we had a crazy schedule today, so I decided to work in all those Valentine's Day centers and activities we'd missed out on because of the snow. 

Have you checked out this website? I discovered it today and there are some great FREE graphics on here. AND you can use the graphics on free and paid TPT products!!

I put up a few shamrocks before I left school this afternoon. I'm a sucker for anything green!! 

I am addicted to school supplies! I found these file folders at Target a few weeks ago. There were other things that matched and I'm going back tomorrow. I think I need more foxes! 


  1. We had a Valentine's filled week, too. I also snatched up those cute folders at Target. Have a good weekend!


    Always Adapting

  2. Love those folders! Gonna have to make a Target run this weekend to fulfill my own school supply addiction. Happy *late* Valentine's Day! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  3. Hi, I had to add some Valentine activities this week, too! Not because we missed school, but because we had so many other things on Friday...P.E., behavior class...too many things that took the place of our fun (planned) activities! I had to adjust. We saved some of the *best* for this week!

    Cute folders! I didn't see them at my Target! I'll have to check again! But, I did find some cute Easter stuff in the Dollar Spot!!!

    Have a wonderful week!
    Beth :)
    A Kindergarten Life For Me
