Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Remind101: Making Parent Communication Easier {Tried it Tuesday}

Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a good start. I'm linking up with the Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for a very quick Tried it Tuesday post. 

Since there are still some people gearing up for the beginning of the school year, I thought I'd share a great site I was introduced to over the summer and just started using with my class. 

After reading about remind101 on so many great blogs, my teammates and I decided to give it a try this year. Remind101 is a website that allows you to send texts to parents or students without either of you sharing your phone number. The program only allows you to send outgoing texts and is free. 

Here is what I think so far: 

It was super easy to set up (great for the beginning of the year) and there is a form available to print online with all the information your parents will need to join in. 

Texts can be scheduled!!! This is what I've loved the most so far. Before school ever started I sat down with the calendar of events we already had and set up a lot of reminder messages - such a time saver! 

The only downside I've seen : be careful when scheduling texts - it seems to me like it would be very easy to accidentally set your message to be delivered in the wee hours of the morning - not something I want to happen!! 

So far we have 28 out of 64 parents sign up, not a huge number, but this is the first time anyone at our school has ever used a program like this, so I'm hoping it will grow in popularity. 

For now we are just using the program as reminders for returning forms that need to be signed and important events at school. Do you use remind101? What types of things do you use it for? 


  1. When I get a new phone this is the FIRST App I plan to download! My current phone no longer downloads apps. :( Can't wait to use this!

    I {Heart} Recess

  2. Interesting...it doesn't show my phone number? (I don't want my parents having my number.) I can see lots of uses for this app. I will look into it. Thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. I still haven't tried this, but I there are some teachers at my school that are using it. All of my parents have email, so I normally just send a quick email. Our school system has an IRIS alert that sends out voice messages to everyone for super important reminders. YOU are in my Tried it Tuesday post today. You inspired me. :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. I'm so excited that you blogged about this - I plan to try this! :)

    Primary Buzz

  5. I keep hearing about this and need to try it! Thanks for the reminder, Courtney! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  6. my school uses it for parents and syaff. my awesome admin surprises staff with texys saying tomorrow is a jeans day. she sent out bus dismissal times the first week of school.
