Friday, August 2, 2013

Finally Five for Friday!!!!

It's baaacckk!!!! I'm so excited to be linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday this week! I've really missed reading all the posts from this great linky party! 

Here is a little peek at what I've been doing while I frantically get ready for the school year. My students come back next Thursday!!  

1. Any fans of You've Got Mail out there? My favorite part from the movie is when Tom Hanks says fall makes him want to send a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils! Well, because I have an awesome sister I got a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils delivered to school back when I first started teaching! When I pulled it out to put it back up I just knew I had to share it with all my blogging friends! 

I think it looks good to be about 7 years old! 

2. Speaking of sisters, have you tried the new stickers on Facebook? My sister and I are obsessed. Sometimes we have whole conversation that are nothing but stickers and a little bit of commentary thrown in! 

This was our recent conversation when we discovered a long awaited book release has been pushed back yet again! There is nothing like laughing with my sister -we share a sense of humor all our own! 

3. Created this bulletin board/door decorating set for B2S. Really excited about having my students write about their favorite books on little caution signs! I plan on using this to decorate my door. 

You can click on the picture above to see this set in my TPT store

5. Saving the best for last. Where have I been all my teaching life?!?! How did I not know the amazingness of putting fabric on bulletin boards. I just got mine all put up yesterday and I am in LOVE!! I just keep staring at the mostly blank boards! haha Oh, the things that make teachers happy! 

What have you been up to this week? 


  1. I am absolutely going to put fabric up on my bulletin boards this year. A teacher across the hall tried it and it looked amazing all year long!
    Thanks for the reminder!
    Whimsy Workshop

  2. I'd love to put up fabric too but I have a fire alarm and clock in the middle of both of my bulletin boards! Fun post!

  3. I haven't seen the Facebook stickers. I must check this out!
    Rockin' and Learnin' Lovin'
