Thursday, July 25, 2013

Great Resource for Reading Activities and a Favorite Summer Read {Book Talk Thursday}

I'm back for one last link up this summer with Andrea from Reading Toward the Stars. I've really enjoyed all the professional books, novels, and kid's lit. everyone has been sharing on Thursdays. 

I ran across this book while reorganizing my classroom and knew it would be the perfect one to share this Thursday! It is a book I picked up several years ago from Scholastic. 

When I started typing this post I was sad to see that Scholastic no longer carries this book in the Independent Reading Management Kit series. However, Amazon came to the rescue and they have some reasonably priced used copies. 

This book contains a variety of activities designed for students to complete independently. I like the fact that it is really an activity and not just another worksheet for students to fill in. When I need a quick idea for planning this is one of my go to books. 

The book has sections with activities for the following genres: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Adventure, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction, Biography, Science Fiction, and Nonfiction. Of course, each activity can be completed with any book students are reading.  

I would highly recommend this book. I have a whole shelf full of professional books like this one and most of them rarely get used, but this one is the exception. I noticed that Scholastic has some other books in this series so the next time I order I think I'll check out a new one! 

I also wanted to throw in a very cute, quick summer read that I am still thinking about! Right at the beginning of summer I read Flat Out Love by Jessica Park and I loved it! It's just one of those stories I can't stop thinking about even though I've finished the book. 

What has been your favorite summer read so far? I still have 7 days of summer left so I can squeeze in another good book or two!  


  1. That book looks wonderful, thanks for sharing!
    As for a good summer read, I suggest Gone Girl by Gillian Flinn. I read it a few weeks ago and couldn't put it down!

  2. Oooh I'll have to check out Flat Out Love. We just gave my mom Serena for her bday. It's going to be a movie with Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence (love them together!). She's flying through it, so I can't wait to read it myself.


  3. Thanks for linking up this week!

    I love when I find books that are perfect for helping with lesson planning.

    I will have to read Flat Out Love! So many books make me feel like I am part of their lives and can't get away from them. Thanks so much for letting me know about that one too!

    Reading Toward the Stars
