Friday, July 19, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday

Good morning! I'm finally linking up with Cara at First Grade Parade for her Favorite Pins Friday linky party! I've gotten some great ideas from these posts over the last few weeks.

I love this! I wish I could get it as a poster!

My kiddos really could use this visual reminder! Fabulous idea!

I plan on making some time for this activity during the first couple days of school! Feedback like this is invaluable.

Such a neat idea for the Daily 5!

I love Command strips and had no idea they made these! I NEED these for the cords around my Smartboard! They are a mess!

Please forgive me for the very crazy looking post! Wow!! When I decided to do this post I thought it wouldn't take long - wrong! I was trying very hard to embed the pins in this post and with the new Pinterest things got kinda interesting. Anyone have tips on how I can make this work a little easier?!


  1. I have those Command strips at home, and I will tell you that the clear strips are not as strong as the white ones. Other than that, they work well!

    Fifth in the Middle
