Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Are You Departmentalized or Team Teacher!?!

Teaching in a departmentalized school or as part of a team brings its own set of unique challenges to teachers. Just the thought of organizing and keeping track of daily classroom "stuff" for up to 80+ kids (in some cases) can be overwhelming challenging. I'm always looking for tips and tricks from those teachers who see more than one group of kiddos in a day. What better way to get some tips than by having a party?!?!?! 

This fabulous button was designed by Kimberlee at Digital Doodle Designs

Now, on to the specifics of the party! 

1. The link will go live on Friday, July 5 and will stay up throughout the entire month of July, so feel free to join up at any time and add more than one post if the inspiration strikes you! 

2. Please do not post links to products. If there is a product you have created and it is a part of your tip that is acceptable, but links to posts with only a product and no tips will be removed. 

3. Feel free to link up to older posts from your blog, just be sure to add the linky party button to the post. 
Polka Dot Lesson Plans

Not sure what to share? Link up with your ideas on some of these topics: 

Classroom Management
Rewards and Incentives 
Grading/Collecting/Returning Papers
Seating Arrangements
Tips for Back to School 
Collaboration With Partners/Teammates 

I hope you'll join me on Friday. I look forward to getting some great ideas for the new school year! 


  1. Great idea for a linky! I've been departmentalized in 4th forever. Next year, I'll be departmentalized in 2nd grade. I know how to do it in 4th, but may need some new tricks for 2nd.


  2. I'm there! I'll put my older posts together into a new post :)

    Fifth in the Middle

  3. This is such a WONDEFUL idea, as I am a newbie to all of this. Will love to hear all the ideas. I will try to contribute by some ideas from my colleagues who are not bloggers. :)

    Kimberlee @ iTeach 5th & Digital Doodle Designs
