Sunday, May 5, 2013

Raymond and Graham Rule the School {Must Read Mentor Text}

I'm linking up with Amanda & Stacia at Collaboration Cuties for their Must Read Mentor Text linky. This week the linky is all about Language Arts and I'm thrilled to share my favorite read aloud with you! 

When the school year starts I always like to hook my reluctant readers with a funny book. A few years ago I discovered Raymond and Graham Rule the School and its been my go-to ever since! Even though I've read it many times I still laugh out loud 'til I cry at certain parts! There are aides who've heard it once and always come to me wanting to know when I'll be reading about "the prunes" so they can come listen again.

The main characters are two fourth grade boys who are now the "top dogs" and are ready to rule the school. They have all these great plans and ideas about how this will be the best year ever, but things don't really go as planned. This book is packed with fourth grade humor. One of the boys discovers the power of prunes and they also have a little mishap with a razor.  I don't want to give too much away because you've just got to experience it for yourself! 
This book hooks my reluctant readers every time. Some kids even say they never knew reading could be this much fun and they beg me to read one more chapter. The best thing about this is there are 3 other books featuring Raymond and Graham, so students who really get interested automatically have something on their "read next" list. 
If you've got some extra reading time with your fourth graders before the year ends I'd highly recommend this one! 

If you get a chance stop by Teaching Special Thinkers. Gabrielle is having a CrAzY good giveaway! 


  1. Thanks for the book suggestion. I'm always on the look-out for new books for my reluctant readers. The Stink books are also great if you are looking for another suggestion.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  2. Love it! What could be funnier than 2 fourth grade boys? Kids love ready about stuff like this! Thanks for sharing and I'm adding it to the wish list!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Awesome! We call our 4th graders "Top Dogs"! I must have this must read. Thanks for sharing!


  4. This sounds like a great book! I hadn't heard of it til now, but I will definitely be checking it out! :)
    ideas by jivey
    Follow ideas by jivey on Facebook!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. It is new to me so I'll have to check it out. This also sound like something my boys would greatly enjoy to hook them in...that is soo important.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  6. This sounds like such a great book! Can't wait to get my hands on it and read if for myself!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Koonce’s Korner

  7. I have never heard of this book! It sounds great!! I will have to check it out! I love LOL funny books and of course, the kids do too!

    Thanks for linking up!
    Collaboration Cuties
