Friday, May 10, 2013

Guide Word Sandwiches, Goodies, and Keep Calm {Five for Friday}

Happy Friday! Only 20 more days to go until summer break!!! woo hoo Its time to link up with Doodlebugs Teaching for another great Five for Friday! Here are 5 random things from my week.

1. We had a cute little treat in our mailboxes every day this week - adorable! Our principal also got lunch for us today...yummy! 
2. This week in Social Studies the kids worked together to come up with skits to review important Virginians from the 20th century. I couldn't really get a picture of them in action, but them pretending to play tennis like Arthur Ashe was adorable!  

3. We've been making sandwiches in reading class - guide word sandwiches! When it comes time to answer standardized questions about which entry word belongs on which dictionary page I teach my kiddos to make a sandwich. The first guide word is the top piece of bread, the entry word is the cheese, and the last guide word is the bottom piece of bread. Then we work on ABC order. The word that is first in ABC order gets a 1 beside of it and so on. A good sandwich stacks up to be 1,2,3 and anything else is rotten and gets thrown out! A teaching buddy of mine showed me this trick and it has been such a big help to my kiddos! 
4. I finally finished the clipboard tub!! I love it and we've already been putting it to use the classroom. Its so much nicer than the big thing I had them all stacked thrown in before.

5. A few weeks back Tanga had a big sale on teacher t-shirts and I ordered one that said Keep Calm and Teach On. When I wore it this week the kids loved it and were coming up with their own "Keep Calm" sayings. Here is the sign one of my students made for me because we have been doing test prep and I say reread a 1,000,000 times a day!!! Made my day....LOL 

Click on over and join me on Facebook! I'm loving all the little "extras" that everyone is sharing on there! 


  1. Love the "Keep Calm..."
    Super cute clipboard bucket!
    I swear I've gained five pounds after this week!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun

  2. Guide word sandwiches...great idea! I think that would make it very easy for the kids to remember. Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. Love those guide word sandwiches! I will have to use that idea next year!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  4. Love the Keep Calm thing you have going in your room. :) I also love your cute clipboard bucket...I'm inspired to find a better solution to the bucket mine are in right now. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  5. The "Keep Calm and Re Read" saying is priceless!!! I guess your students are hearing what you're saying!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  6. okay, so simple. a clipboard bin. i'm on that immediately. those things make such a mess but i love them. thanks for the idea :)

  7. I love your clipboard bin! Mine are in a bin that is too small to hold them and I need a better system. I am putting that on my to-do list:) Also, love the keep calm sayings!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  8. Super jealous of the clipboard bin. Mine are in two containers (and the floor). But we do have a smooth system for picking up and returning them, now I just need the super cute bin. Keep Calm and Re-Read - you should get that made into a shirt, then you wouldn't have to keep saying it!!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  9. Love the Keep calm and reread-so smart! You got lots of goodies!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  10. LOVE your shirt, I just checked out the website because I haven't heard of it before. I need a shirt like that! :) I also love your clipboard tub...I need one of those too! You have such neat hand writing!! I am a new follower and also holding a linky, please hop over and check it out. I'd love for you to link up! :)

    Pinkadots Elementary
