Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Live Binders - Tried it Tuesday

I'm back again with Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper for another great Tried it Tuesday linky party! 
Today I'm going to share my [limited] experience with LiveBinders. 
Over the course of my teaching career I have heard/read about LiveBinders several times, but never had the need or desire to create my own. That is, until I came across this post from Purely Paperless. (PP is a great blog...check it out as soon as you finish here!) 

Kate over at Purely Paperless created a live binder to house all of her planning materials and I thought that was a great idea, so I made one too!  

In my binder I created a tab for each subject area I teach and then sub-tabs for my standards, pacing guides, and websites/resources that I frequently use when planning. Talk about helping to lighten the teacher bag at the end of the day! 

Now when I want to plan at home or check something on my standards, I just pull up my live binder and all the information is right there in one convenient location! 

Click on the picture below to get started created your own planning binder! 

How do you use Live Binders to help simply your life? 


  1. This is the second time I've heard of Live Binders. I checked it out and love the idea - but I put off starting - still trying to organize my classroom resources into binders!

  2. I have never heard of Live Binder! You should see my list of file cabinets and binder I need to organize this year. I keep thinking, "I can't wait to organize these this summer!" haha!! Maybe I will get there someday...
    Thank you so much for linking up, Courtney:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. I started an account last summer with grand plans to link to social studies resources, but..... :)

    That would be so great to have all of my planning stuff in one spot though-maybe I'll try again this summer!


  4. I have never heard of this before- thanks for sharing! I will check it out in the holidays- only one more week til then! Woohoo! (I'm in New Zealand so our school dates are completely different!)I've just become your latest follower- I teach year six which is equivalent to fifth grade over there.

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

  5. hmmmm... I have thought about using this but I wondered how truly friendly it is to use. Do you print out a copy for when you have observations or to turn it (it that is required in your district). I really like the idea of not having a physical lesson book but not sure if I could get away with it.

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  6. I know you wrote this a while ago...
    We use livebinders to consolidate school-appropriate links for our students. We especially used it this year to help them with their Wax Museum research projects. Parents could access the information and students were less likely to say "I didn't know that was dueeeee"
