Friday, April 5, 2013

Five for Friday ~ Spring Break Edition

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the fabulous Five for Friday linky party. Today is the Spring Break edition! 

1. As you read I am enjoying a weekend getaway with my hubby in the great Smoky Mountains. 
Photo courtesy of

2. Managed to do ALL the Spring cleaning by Tuesday afternoon.  Ahh..don't you just love the way a clean house feels? 

3. Had a very enjoyable lunch with some teaching friends I no longer get to see everyday. Catching up during the day and having a lunch that lasts longer than 15 minutes is so nice! 

4. I stocked up on some games and task cards this past weekend during the TpT sale, so I put the laminator to good use and got those ready for the classroom!

Question: How do you print all these amazing, cutesy things? Do you have a laser color printer (drool) or are you just selective about what you print in color? 

5. Classroom ideas have been pretty scarce on the blog this week, but I have plans to be back with some great stuff next week - if going back to school doesn't sap all the life right out of me.....
Enjoy your weekend! 



  1. I have the same laminator! I wish I had a laser printer, but I just have an ink jet. I print a ton in color, mainly because it makes my students really happy to get sheets that are in color :-)


  2. Just finished my cleaning. I may not be prepared for school next week, but at least my house is clean! :) I just found your blog through the link up and I am excited to read more!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  3. I've been on Spring Break this week, too! We went down to Southern Cali but I absolutely LOVE the Great Smoky Mountains! I need to do some spring cleaning tomorrow!! I'm glad I found you through Doodle Bugs' Five for Friday! I'm your newest follower! Love your blog design, too!!
    Teaching First

  4. Have fun in the beautiful Smoky Mountains-we haven't been there in awhile. :)


  5. Wow! What a beautiful view. I have an ink jet right now, but this summer I am planning to convert. Ink is just too expensive!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher
