Friday, March 29, 2013

Five for Friday

I'm joining up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday linky party.

1. The work week started out with 2 snow days! I took advantage of the time to get a game plan for reviewing after we get back from Spring Break. I also spent some a lot of time cuddling with this cutie. Snow days are exhausting for him.....

2. I am officially on Spring Break!!! Even though we had two snow days this week there is just something so different (and wonderful) about knowing that I don't have school for 5 whole days! I have dreams of cleaning, reading, catching up with friends, and a fun weekend with my hubby. 

3. We made it through the last set of parent conferences for the year!


4. I am so looking forward to this Easter weekend. After celebrating the resurrection of my Savior at Church on Sunday morning we are going to have the family over for a food fest and egg hunt, if the weather will cooperate. 

5. After two snow days and two days of benchmark testing, we were finally back to a somewhat normal schedule. Before the kids came in this morning I hid 40 eggs around the room. I was was so much fun just hiding the eggs! We got Friday started right with this super fun activity from Collaboration Cuties. You can check it out here. I had each kid find two eggs, read the words inside and then drop them into the correct basket. We then went through the eggs as a class and checked/discussed. My kiddos were great and we all had such a good time! Even thought Easter will be well behind us when we return from Spring Break I plan on using this activity in a center because the kids loved it!



  1. Yay for snow days! (Of course, we had none in GA)!!

    I'm so glad the activity worked out!! :O)

    Collaboration Cuties

  2. I'm stopping over through Doodle Bug's linky. Wow! Two snow days AND Spring Break!?! You are lucky!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  3. So jealous of your spring break! Ours was two weeks ago and I am already for another! Summer can not come soon enough. I love your Easter egg game! So glad to have found your blog through the linky.

  4. Just found you through Five for Friday! My parent conferences are next week.. jealous that yours are over :)

  5. Hi there! the 5 for Friday is so popular this week! Just had to tell you that your blog is absolutely adorable!! LOVE it!
    Happy Easter!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  6. Hi! Just found your blog through the 5 for Friday link and I'm your newest follower. I also teach 4th grade.:)

    iTeach 1:1
